Commenting the Power Girls' Convention
I was thinking about how difficult it is for the organisers of the world wide Power Girls' Convention to have a look at the comments. By now it's nearly impossible to get an overview of who had commented to what and got back a comment ... So I thought it may be helpful to have the comments together in a blog. I don't know if it will work, but if you don't give it a try you'll never know ...
So this blog is dedicated to the German Convention ...
@ Margo: No, Penelope hasn't got enough room for all of them. At the moment Barb and Fred are sleeping in her four-poster bed and Haagje is sleeping in a quick put up in the same bedroom while Penelope is sleeping in the basement - where usually the awful instrument of torture (for strenght training??) is placed. They have to get a much more spacious house for their convention to feel comfortable when they are all together! And yes, Barb was cleaning up by drinking all the nectar ... *lol*
@ Fred and Barb: I'm rather sure it was no juice - it was the rest of Riverview Kabinett Auslese and Riverview Kabinett. But maybe the last glas was an Alcaseltzer - I'm sure she needed it ... *lol* I'm so sorry, Spitzmagic, that I didn't take better care of Barb but she was so quick!!! Actually she was told to have a nice bubble bath, but she prefered to relax in another way ...
@ Fred: Yes, it's an omniplant feeded with deathfish. As Penelope had lost all her income by her ownerships on the businesses - you know the world wide depression that came with WA (Those guys at EA are so quick - they got rl at once to the game!) - she had to look for some other regular income. She's got the green thumb and her skills about gardening and fishing are up to ten. So she always has four omniplants at her backyard she is feeding with perfect deathfish. She gets 4x4 deathfishs a day, feeds back four of them to the omniplants and so she has a regular income of nearly 9.000 Simoleons a day. Much more she ever can spend! You see, it's always good to trust in yourself instead of trusting in unreliable economy.*miss the smileys at the blog*
The plans for today are: Taking Haagje to the hairdresser, get new tops for the girls to change with the pay-2-get-3, maybe visit the wellness-center and getting a massage of 7.500 Simoleons. I know that sounds somewhat demanding. But I tell you - it's worth each single Simoleon! They'll get +70 moods for 7 days - and they can afford it. If you want to be good to others you have to be good to yourself first ... They have to do a lot of travelling, jet lag and so on, and I will do all I can do to get them in high spirits.
It would be perfect if we could upload the PG WWC (Power Girls' World Wide Convention) at the storyteller section. The shame is - I'm so addicted to this challenge - I want to put my noise in the different Conventions every day. I want to know what the girls are doing - I want to read it and see it. It's so much fun for me! Having a look at the Storytellers I see that there are submissions day by day now. Perhaps I should give it a try ... The other thing is - it's interesting and a lot of fun for the organisers of PG WWC. But perhaps the other 2.298.120 members of a total of 1.298.127 members of TSR wouldn't appreciate it getting the storyteller partition cluttered up with PG WWC.
So tell me your thoughts about managing this challenge, dear friends!
@ all the TSR members who drop into this blog by coincidence or whatsoever - feel free to leave any comments and having fun, too. It's not a "closed club" and it's not meant to be - far from it! It's just having fun with the community and whoever has fun with this amazing though crazy idea is welcome to share our fun. We all are part of the great TSR community. Perhaps you get an idea of another "community challenge". The only restriction is set by the game itself who allows only eight sims in a household. But I can tell, that's more than enough. It's a lot of fun, but sometimes it's hard work, too. (See poor Barb having all the glasses of nectar because I didn't take care ... ;) As for me I would love to have a look about other "conventions" ...